DPS Advanced Technology Group Lean Team

10 February 2016

On January 28th 2016, the DPS Advanced Technology Group Lean Team completed their delivery of the Lean Yellow Belt training series to DPS Leiden in The Netherlands.

Over three afternoons, the team delivered a structured Introduction to Lean, outlined the potential of the Lean System and provided an opportunity to use practical tools to highlight and remove waste from selected processes.

The intent of our training is to encourage Lean as a standard way of doing business with Waste Identification and Continuous Improvement at its core – changing the mind-set such that every piece of work is seen as a process, every step in that process is routinely and repeatedly examined and improved to deliver customer Value Add, Right First Time. The team feedback suggests this change in approach is beginning to reap rewards and has significant potential.

For further information on our Lean offerings, please contact us atg.lean@dpsgroupglobal.com